ux blogs

Here at DOZ we’ve helped connect some of the world’s best marketing experts with clients who are taking their marketing to the next level. Increasingly, one of the most popular tasks that our community of experts undertakes for clients relates to usability and the user experience, specifically a user experience audit.

But why audit your user experience?

First, without a good user experience your users are going to go elsewhere. Customers adore simplicity, they reward intuitive design, and they enjoy using products and services that don’t really feel like you are using them all that much to begin with. If it solves a problem and removes a pain point, then it’s a good product. But if it does this while also offering a seamless and even elegant experience for the user then it’s got a chance to be a great product – and you only know that you’ve reached that point if you audit the experience.

Second, without auditing your user experience you won’t know where to make changes to better serve the customer. While your team might have a great handle on how they think things should be and how things should work, they aren’t the customer. It is all to easy for things that your team have come to accept as ‘just the way we work’ to be sticking points for users. What seems intuitive to someone who built your product or software might be completely unintuitive for a person who is discovering your site or product for the first time. An outside audit of your UX can help you understand where your team might be missing things just by being too close to what they have built.

Experts in UX understand the intersection between design, strategy, and customer habits, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t need to find inspiration or keep up with trends in UX. Indeed, the fads, trends, styles, and expectation continue to evolve with each passing week and keeping up with what is happening in the world of UX is a part of a user experience auditor’s daily routine.

Here are the ten best UX blogs that DOZ marketing experts regularly read and recommend.

Usability Geek

Lots of smart case studies, plenty to learn, and mountains of practical advice, too.

Nielsen Norman Group

Very serious and detail heavy, but oh so useful for anyone looking to take more than gut feeling into a design meeting.

UX Booth

It’s complex and detail-rich which will help in developing strategy more than deploying day-to-day UX tactics.

UX Movement

Reading this site is addictive. A favorite of UX professionals, it’s easy to see why so many people make this a daily must-read.

Boxes and Arrows

UX and design don’t exist in a bubble; good UX serves the customer but it is also part of a sales process and boxes and arrows helps to keep this front and center.


Eminently readable, undoubtedly shareable, and a regular weekly read for some of our most active UX auditors at DOZ.

UX Pin

The in-house blog of the UX Pin team, Studio is a great resource for keeping up with trends in user experience and web design.

Digital Telepathy

A hub for UX design and user experience pros, Digital Telepathy has a great site that regularly delivers the goods.

UX Myths

One of our favorite sites, UX Myths tears down one misconception after another on its journey to educate and inform.

Little Big Details

Even the UX amateur can appreciate the little details gathered here. Small examples of good design, intriguing UX, and any number of things that have you thinking ‘now why didn’t we do that?’.

Did we leave one off the list? let us know on Twitter!



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