This is an article by Neil Helson. He is the marketing manager at Blurbpoint Media, SEO and digital marketing company. He is passionate in helping small businesses and startups grow online.

    When it comes to digital marketing, content seems to be on the top! Isn’t it? There has been always a buzz for the great piece of writings which are stuffed with desired data and enough information. Also, the trends in content marketing have been even-changing!!

    So, now, with the advent of 2018, experts are anticipating that many unique trends are going to come up. Those trends will let the contents to become a great investment for such businesses who welcome it with all their heart.

    However, you might be thinking what are those content marketing trends that are going to rule this year?

    Here, I am with a comprehensive answer to your query.

    Just have a look!

    1. Live contents will do wonders

    If you are a brand then opting for the concept of live contents could be a great idea for you. All that you have to do is enticing your viewers with exclusive, real-time videos and animations incorporated within your contents.

    Trust me, this would be the right thing which will serve your potential customers with the perfect information that they are finding over the internet.

    Do you know people prefer to comment 10 times more on the live videos of Facebook? So, just go live and see the difference!

    1. IoT to impact your content

    In the recent times, IoT came up as a boon for letting the contents published on your websites to become the part of your customer’s lives. So, it is expected that in 2018 the scenario is going be even more popular.

    Your customers might not be still completely familiar with the term IoT but they are soon going to become well-versed about the same, thanks to the products like Siri, Alexa, and many more.

    In 2017, IoT has been globally accepted which had led the content marketers and brands to curate contents for various IoT platforms. They found such a stride to be quite effective for appealing their viewers in a unique way.

    So, in 2018, the experts have a strong belief that the brands would exploit the power of IoT in terms of content marketing for extensive brand-awareness.

    1. Sticking to the basics will be ideal

    No doubt, streaming live contents, using modern technologies like IoT etc. seem to be simply excellent. But, that doesn’t mean that you would forget your basics. No! Never!

    Though SEO is continuously evolving, it is true that it would be the most bright player in the game of content marketing in 2018. So, just ensure that you are considering your SEO strategies on a serious note. Interestingly, the developments in SEO for the year 2018 have already started!

    Let me just give you a simple example. If you have an intense urge to get into the featured snippets then just optimize it accordingly. It is pretty much sure that the traffic to your website could just skyrocket. Yes! It can enhance by up to 677!

    Fortunately, if your brand will be having some strong numbers and SEO then it will further get benefited due to various technological advancements in future.

    So, a genuine suggestion from my end is that don’t run after the new, glossy things unless you are sure about having a very strong base.

    1. Snackable content- To rule the Ibrandnternet

    The experts have noticed that audiences are showing more attention and like towards the snackable contents. Even you can claim the same if you just take a glance at the success of Instagram stories, snapchat, and various other smart applications. Aren’t they simply making a really huge impact?

    So, in 2018, it is expected that such kind of snackable contents will do extremely well. Just opt for this concept and thus your users will be able to access your message while just dipping in and out of their feeds whenever they feel like to do it. In short, you will provide an easy option to your customers for remembering you.

    1. Brands and Consumers: Direct Conversation to become prominent

    If you are a brand then remember that 2018 is definitely not going to allow you to hide behind any veil. You can’t simply do your work while being anonymous. Yes! The world has become smarter and along with that people are getting, even more, smarter with each passing day. The experts think that even the big brands can’t avoid vowing down in front of their busy customers in the coming months.

    So, the brand and customer communication is going to be the most flourishing content channel ever. Whether you’re supposed to go for any feedback, offer, or an update about any of your services, a friendly conveyance seems to be a must-need now.

    It has been estimated that the companies which have excellent customer support usually end up retaining 92% of their customers. Thus, the experts believe that the customer-to-brand contents are simply going to get immensely popular in the future marketplace.

    Winding Up

    So, these are the most thrilling content marketing trends that are going to rule in the coming months of 2018. Then, what are you waiting for? Just follow them and you’ll see the difference by yourself. But, yes! Don’t forget to let me know how was your experience in the comment section below. I would love to know such updates from you!



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